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NEW VIDEO: Gods Of Ruin (LO!)

Tiana Speter

Lo and behold the screeching new clip that dropped late last week from Aussie post-metal/sludge lords Lo! for their heaving track 'Gods Of Ruin'.

Fresh off a killer outing at Brissie's Dead of Winter recently, the Lo! lads have certainly kept their momentum hurtling forward since last year's brutal third full-length 'Vestigial' erupted into the world. Boasting the most ferocious and delicate precision in the Lo! chapter so far, 'Vestigial' attacked political farce and technology addiction amid paralysing riffs and harmonic wizardry, particularly evident on the closing track 'Gods Of Ruin'.

Of 'Gods Of Ruin', vocalist Sam Dillon explains: "Gods Of Ruin is a take on the American phenomena of mass gun ownership and the tragic reality of an armed population triggered constantly by fear and ignorance". But whether you love the track for its agenda or its face-melting blasts, the brand new clip is equally as striking as its content. Employing the base footage shot in Romania while Lo! were on tour in late 2017, the concept was conceived by guitarist Carl Whitbread and bassist Adrian Shapiro seeking to find a unique way to use live footage in a clip, with all the visual effects hand tracked by Carl over a painstaking couple of months - and it's an eerie, colossal result that perfectly lives up to the sonic beasts these Sydney boys continue to conjure.

Check out the hulking new clip for 'Gods Of Ruin' below, plus you can still get your hands on 'Vestigial' and a whole lot more here.




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